Sunday, December 15th: Play (pay) it forward; Kindness is Contagious. The week before Christmas and all though the house, people are nervous beginning to grouse. Time to stop and think. This is the season of love, brotherhood and joy. Go out and spread some Wonder in the world. Here's how to make the magic work:
- You need to realize the key to all this is to do this anonymously. You are being a Christmas angel.
- Drop a little more than pocket change into the kettle. The poor get this money.
- When you are in a crowded line waiting, allow someone to go in front of you, give a gift of time. Be sure to smile and give them a happy wish.
- Buy a “Cup of Joe” for the troops overseas. Remember these kids don't get to come home for Christmas.
- Buy some toys and take them to a local church, or shelter, or organization that is doing “Santa” stuff for people who don't have things.
- Buy groceries for a meal you would like to eat. Put things that do not need refrigeration and mixes that can be prepared with water in the bag. Take this to a family in need if you know one, or take it to the local food bank.
- There are kids in school who don't have supplies, crayons, pencils, pens; get a list from a local teacher and buy the stuff for a kid in that class.
- Check with a nursing home, let them tell you the name of an elderly person and buy that person three things. Socks, PJ's, house slippers, the items they may need. Our nursing homes are full of people who have no family to speak of, a magic Santa present goes a long way.
- Give each member of your family a Christmas card telling them how special they are to you. Try to do it secretly. Don't worry if you don't hear back.
- Put a smile on your face, if you don't feel like smiling, smile until you feel like smiling. A smile is contagious, it makes people feel good. If nothing else, it makes people wonder what you're up to. Especially smile, when someone is rude, smile your brightest then.